Friday, August 1, 2008

Tanam Sayur, Makan Jagong Meh?

I got so tired watching the tv news these days because I just go mad mad mad. I’m not sure whether the media are rejoicing for having so much boiling political news to write and report or being just as mad for having to report all those crappy stuff. I want to hear news about how the gammen are looking for ways to increase the efficiency of public transport (total crap here in Malaysia) and how the gammen solves the issue of haze, price increase in everything, illegal immigrant, poverty, and lots more. I want to hear intelligent stuff out from our ministers mouth, not some “tanam sayur dan ubah cara hidup”. Why are we going backward instead of going forward? Whatever lies and deception going around right now will slowly unravel. The truth shall be known. We are not ignorant and definitely not fool. What? Did you just sayifool?

Here’s another crappy riddle to brighten up all my chingus gloomy day:-

Why do Doraemon and Nobita refuse to come to Malaysia??
Wanna know the answer? Buy me a meal then... ( ' x ' )


Anonymous said...

Because Msia have haze, and doraemon n nobita cant able to fly around with their helicopter hat, cos of poor visibility. hahaha.....

Sue said...
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Sue said...

easy peasy.. Doraemon and Nobita refuse to come to Malaysia because there's a lot of *Giant here.

*Giant supermarket..:P.
totally unrelated to my blog entry. :D

Anonymous said...

so clever answer, Bapak also answer wrongly haha....

Anonymous said...

muahaha.. miss your mind boggling quizes sue ching... i lack of sam pat people around me. help!

Sue said...

ahaha...thank you for appreciating my sampat-ness!! when are u coming back and sampat-ing together with me?

Anonymous said...

we all hope u be back *WN* with all of us..... haha... Sue, any trivia/ quizzes for us anymore?

Sue said...

ok.. i shall share it once i can recall any!!

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