Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Last Day

At first, I was just so relieve that this is my last day in KC.. and then uneasiness started to sink in after I left. What have I done?? I'm officially jobless right now...but then I know that I really gotta leave. Why?? I will write later ..after I know it is safe to tell . Although it's a short period, but I learned so many things and met so many nice people there. If circumstances were to be different, maybe in a different division, it is definitely a good place to work in. Such a blardee waste

How the hell the fella before me manage to stay more than 1 year??!!! I really salute man!

So anyway, I'm going to take a well deserved holiday now .. and just relax and de-stress. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the drive and motivation to work back........ soon enough . But for now , it's MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA!


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