Place Of Visit: Bandung, Indonesia
Date: 12- 15/10/2007 (4 days 3 nights)
I just came back yesterday ..and boy was I glad to be back here in Malaysia. Despite complaining about Malaysia all the time, I truly truly love Malaysian food!!! Never once had I been overseas and not miss Malaysian food. Yesterday, I couldn't help having half Tomyam/half Bahkutteh steamboat eventhough I was having a sorethroat and was darn tired. It taste sooooo good!!! Though I'm not really a big fan of steamboat, but any malaysian food IMO is better than the food I had in Bandung.
Bandung is also known as Paris of Java.. because of its' shopping outlets I think. I almost choked when my tour guide told us that we're visiting the "Fuck-tory Outlet" on our first day there. I slept at 2.30am(went to celebrate Bapak Nick's B'day) that day, woke up at 4.30am to go to the airport, reach Bandung and without transfering us to our hotel first, he wants us to go to some Fucktory outlet?? yeah yeah... it's actually Factory Outlets ..but he kept saying Fuck-tory. * faint*
Anyway, I was darn tired at that time, so was not in the mood to shop. It's like F.O.S outlets in Malaysia 'cept maybe cheaper by Rm10. Luckily, the sales assistants/cashiers were all so friendly and nice and makes it easier for us to shop.
The next day, we went to volcanic Mt Tangkuban Perahu. The highlight of the trip. It was last errupted in 1969. The weather was cool and when we hike up to the see the first crater, it started raining. damn it..we had to hike down so soon that I only manage to get a few pictures. Heard that there's two other craters..but we had to give it a miss as the rain makes the rocks slippery.
Mt Tangkuban Perahu
Then, we went to a Hot Spring..i couldn't remember what's the name of the place ..but we didn't do much there as it was raining too ..only got to soak my feet until it's lobster red.
The next day, was mostly shopping again in Chihampelas Jeans Center and some other places. Don't go if you can't stand dust.
(was inside the bus when i saw this...what were they thinking when they named this building??)
....... to be continued..
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