Saturday, March 15, 2008

Meori Apayo.

Meori Apayo = head ache in korean..

One day when i'm not tired and having headache like now, I'm going to find out how to post my entry in hangeul(korean).

Meori Apayo.. that's what my new job is. I learn so much and nothing at all at the same time. Confuse?? That's why i'm having massive apayo.

It's really very interesting to watching a TVB Hong Kong drama ....cept that it's not so fun being caught in the middle of it all.

3 weeks now.. and I really feel like flying the white flag everyday. I'm tough but not that tough.
I think all my complaining here is making bapak feel guilty .. but you shouldn't be because if I don't accept this job offer, I might keep wondering and regret my decision. I'm glad I make this decision because I've actually met a lot of interesting people ..and I think i've already learn so much. Everyone complain about their job so don't feel bad kay??

Okay now.. let's move on to more complaining.. seriously, if I know the MASSIVE amount of work I have to do, I would have ask for a much HIGHER PAY!!!! My job title should be MULTI PURPOSE EXECUTIVE. So bloody complicated and everything is in a mess... and I have to work ohhhh so late. And because everything is in a mess and I have to remember so many blardee things, I kept forgetting things. Make sense?? Like today, I know I have korean class but I couldn't remember at all what time my class is. It's the same time for weeks now ..but I forgotten it. Say.. serious meori apayo or not?? I just can't imagine myself surviving this.

Last time, I don't take my calls from my handphone because I'm too bloody lazy but now, I don't take calls because I'm simply too00000 busy. Chingus sekalian.. please forgive me. I even have not blog for weeks now. Today, i get to blog because i'm waiting to see online whether my underpay salary is in or not and that stupid site chose this time to do site maintenance...blardee hell.

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